Harvard Confirmed Discovery

Sculpts All 600 Muscles In Your Body...

Including The 42 Tiny Muscles In Your Face...

WITHOUT Expensive Creams, Strict Diets, or Intense Exercise

To every woman who’s ever wanted to lose at least 10 pounds… 

Firm-up droopy skin… 

Tighten a sagging jawline… 

And just look and feel leaner, more confident, and sexy standing in front of the mirror... 

but hasn’t had her stroke of luck yet…
What You’re About To Discover Is Not A Miracle...
But instead— decades of scientific research coming to a head of what could be the most remarkable body-shaping breakthrough of the 21st century… 

Confirmed by researchers at Harvard, Yale and other Ivy League Schools…
That works naturally to tone all 600 muscles in your body…

Cinch the loose skin around your underarms, belly, and legs…

And smooth-out the frustrating trouble spots behind your butt and thighs. While...
Supporting New Collagen Production That Can Help Firm And Tighten Your Face, Neck,
and Jawline 
So if you’re a woman who’s currently between the ages of 35 and 79... I encourage you to pay close attention... because you’re about to discover a scientifically-proven way to take years off your own appearance just by doing one very simple ritual every morning...
And no, it has nothing to do with any expensive cosmetic options expensive surgery, liposuction, super strict diets or intense exercise... 

In fact a recent study published by The National Library of Medicine shows the strange body-toning loophole that you’ll uncover in just a minute...

Can help support a... 
Lean Body, Strong Muscles, And Firm Skin 
Even In Women Who Are Completely Inactive! ¹
I know that sounds absolutely crazy…  

And when I first stumbled on this shocking information... I was already jaded by the health and fitness industry... and was just as skeptical as you probably are right now... 

Because let’s face it, the world is filled with myths, scams, and flat out lies
So if you’re like the millions of women who follow all the nutrition rules outlined by health and fitness gurus, but still carry excess fat, I’ve been there too and it’s not your fault.

And no matter how frustrated you may feel after trying all sorts of diets, powders, lotions and potions…

Or how genetically doomed you may think you are... 

You absolutely can have the lean and alluring body of your dreams starting today. 

And no, this isn’t some weird artificial drug made in some petri-dish or anything like that, in fact…

This Body Shaping Discovery Began
On A Small Dairy Farm In Ames, Iowa…

Where researchers were able to transform a dairy cow named Daisy from 1636 lbs to a healthy 1120 lbs by feeding her a unique natural protein...
That literally kicked her metabolism into hyperdrive...

while simultaneously producing lean natural muscle tone...
and yes it can do the same for you. Now... 

This is NOT the kind of protein you’ll find in milk, a chicken breast, red meat, or a muscle shake those intimidating bodybuilders drink... 

This protein is naturally made in your body… 
And Was Much More Potent In Your Body When You Were Younger… Which Made Keeping
A Slim Figure Easy...
However as time goes on, the production of this mysterious protein can slow down… 

And that’s why after hitting a certain age it can feel like there was some biological switch that shut off… and everything that used to help you lose weight or stay fit and toned, just doesn’t work like it used to.

And if you look down at your belly right now and can grab a pinch of fat or more… 
It’s likely that you’re producing less of this body-slimming protein… 
But that’s why I want you to get excited… 

Because moments from now you’ll discover a simple way to practically force your body to make more of it

And just physically feel the best you’ve felt in your entire adult life. 

It’s finally possible…  

And it doesn’t require you to eat a perfect diet... or become some religious workout-zealot either. 

What you may find even more surprising...

Is that until now this same lean muscle shaping discovery was reserved strictly for high-paid Olympic athletes. In fact just about...
Most Female Olympians In The U.S. Is Using This Strange Protein To Tone And Strengthen Their Muscles Even Faster For The 2021 Summer Olympic Games In Tokyo, Japan...
However, the good news for you…

Is this same protein is now accessible to just about anyone… and is secretly being used by thousands of everyday women like you and me... 

To support the biological processes needed to tone all of the muscles in their body... Firm the hidden muscles in their jaw, neck, and face faster than expected... and it’s stirring up a lot of controversy in the “health and diet” community…  

Because women are finding that getting into fantastic shape isn’t nearly as cruel as nutrition and fitness gurus want you to believe. 
So if right now you feel uncomfortable in your body... 

And losing the stubborn fat around your belly, underarms or legs is something you’ve been slaving over
And you want to finally fit better in your clothes... and tighten-up from head to toe so you can radiate with even more confidence... then keep reading. 
Because inside this special report you’re going to discover the mountains of new research from some of the world’s top universities… 

And how it’s entirely possible to... 
Lose Up To 5% Of Pure Flabby Body Fat... 
According to real research from a famous University in Taiwan. ²

Plus you’ll also discover how any woman can follow this simple ritual from the comfort of her own home with little more effort than licking a stamp. 

But before I share this exciting new discovery… 

And how easy it can be for you to finally get the lean and toned body you’ve always wanted…
Let me quickly share who I am... and the devastatingly sad story that led me to this powerful body-toning breakthrough. 

Hi. My name is Michele Drielick. 

And little did I know that the day my father died... 
I would unexpectedly set off on a strange journey that would help thousands of regular women seemingly slow the clock on agingsculpt new lean muscle tone… and help end the constant frustrations of saggy fat on the belly, legs, and other stubborn spots on the body. 
I’ve always called my dad my guardian angeleven when he was alive

So I think he has something to do with what I’m about to share with you. See…
My Father’s Passing Was Completely Unexpected
And after he left us… our family just fell apart

He was the glue that held us together…  

And I literally never go a day without thinking of him.  

And even though his passing tore me up inside… 

It was especially hard on my mother. See… 
My parents were soulmates. They got married when they were just teenagers. And had such a happy relationship.

So you can imagine the kind of pain she went through…

Walking into the closet they once shared and being met with the scent of his clothes

Receiving letters in the mail with his name still on it

Dreaming of being with him just to wake up the next morning to realize he’s still gone. 

She would do her best to put a brave face on for us. But I could see right through her. She was as fragile as an eggshell

And after months of trying to put on her strongest front… she came crumbling down. Now… 
What I’m About To Share With You Next Is Incredibly Hard To Talk About... And I Still Get Shaken Up Telling This Story…
But you’ll want to stick with me… 

Because it’s what led me to discover the anti-aging breakthrough that has already changed the lives of so many women that I’ll introduce you to in a moment… and I promise we’ll get there soon. 

Years after my dad’s passing… my mother was still having trouble coping.

She began to self-sabotage. Hardly ate anything. Smoked half a pack of Virginia Slims a day. And became so frail that her clothes looked like giant garbage bags on her.

I’d try my best to be sensitive to her struggle… and be a shoulder that she can cry on… yet still be firm with her about how important it was to take care of her health… hoping and praying that if she just started to strengthen her body, it would help strengthen her mind and soul as well. 
But she just… refused

Not in a hostile way. But in her own quiet, heart-broken way.
Watching Her Rapid Decline Was Almost Like Reliving My Dad’s Death…
And I tried everything I could to help get her back on track with life…  

I started grocery shopping for her. We went on walks in the morning. Some days we’d even do tiny dumbbell workouts at home to release a rush of endorphins and give her a little bit of a mental boost during the day. 
But every month it seemed like she was getting to be more frail. More tired. Her appearance grew old quickly. She was covered in deep lines and wrinkles that seemed to appear overnight. 

It’s like her soul was slowly exiting her body right in front of me… 

Leaving just a shell of my mother behind… 
And I wanted so bad for her to recover from the sudden vicious tailspin she was in… 

And that’s when I began to research like an obsessed scientist. And sifted through study after study to find something… anything… that would help support her quickly weakening and aging body

And I’ll tell you it wasn’t easy. I mean— how do you help a woman who literally lost her motivation to live? A woman too heartsick to leave the house? 

She didn’t need some fancy workout plan. Or some strict diet. Heck, my mom had enough on her plate emotionally. Going on some boring diet that robs her of any sort of comfort foods would only add more pain to her life.
She Was 61 Going On 80 Years Old And It Was Devastating To Watch…
And I know you may be thinking… “Michele, this isn’t your battle to fight...” 

I don’t know. Maybe it wasn’t. I guess I just felt like my dad was looking down on us… and I wanted to take care of her the best I could knowing that he was watching and that’s what he would have wanted.  
But I’m glad I didn’t give up…  

Because it led me to an amazing discovery of why women age faster after they hit a certain age… and how you can actually support healthy aging…  

While also supporting the production of a unique youth protein that helps your body sculpt lean muscle, maintain tighter skin, and the appearance of once who is years younger… and it takes far less work than you probably think.

And I can promise it’s so incredible that you almost won’t believe me the first time you hear it… 
But that’s why I’ve added citations to all of the research I’m about to share… so you can cross-reference these studies yourself if you really want to. 

See— when my mom was going through her struggle… she was almost entirely bedridden.

There were times I’d come home from the grocery store to drop off some meals for her… and I’d walk into the house at four in the afternoon… and she’d still be in bed with the lights off and tissues on the pillow next to her... 

And I’m sure I don’t have to tell you this… 

But with such little activity she lost practically all of her muscle.

My mom was so active when my dad was alive. She loved going for bike rides. Spending time at the beach. Worked in the garden for hours at a time. Just one look at her and you’d think to yourself, “Wow, that woman is Superwoman.”  

But now she was so physically frail that it looked like she could literally crumble into a million pieces.

And it turns out… 
It’s Not Just Because She Was Bedridden That She Started Losing Muscle…
It was because she lost a certain “youth protein” in the body… that women have less and less of as they get older…³

Making it harder with every passing year to keep your body toned, sculpt attractive, lean muscle and even lose weight
This protein is incredibly important. Because it slows down muscle breakdown and supports muscle preservation… and having a healthy amount of muscle is what keeps your body toned, tight and young. See… 
Studies show that muscle is the key “metabolic driver” in your body… and that for every pound of muscle you have… you burn even more calories at rest.⁴

And so it makes sense that as you lose muscle with age… your body stops burning as many calories. And when your body stops burning calories like it used to… it gets harder and harder to keep your figure. 
That explains so much, doesn’t it? 

Like why your weight loss efforts just don’t work like they used to after turning a certain age…

And it feels like no matter what you doyou slowly start gaining weight… 
Muscle loss is also why it can be a real challenge to lose weight and keep it off... And why even if you increase your activity level a ton and revamp your diet… the scale refuses to budge…  

Even worse— this age-related protein decline that causes muscle loss doesn’t only affect your figure...
It’s Also The Reason So Many Women Lose Their Looks With Age Instead Of Maintaining Their Youthful Glow…
Because when your body stops producing this specific hidden protein that I’ll tell you about in a minute… it manifests in deep lines and wrinkles and sagging skin under the chin, neck, and the rest of the body… 

Including those trouble spots on your belly… lumpy ridges on the backs of your thighs… and a flat, saggy backside… ⁵
But the good news is you CAN do something about it. And the solution is incredibly simple. No fasting… low carb diets… extreme exercise or yoga or step counters necessary. In fact… 

By supporting the production of this protein you can support long, lean and toned muscle which helps to keep your metabolism on track… burn more calories with ease… and show off a lean, sculpted body. Because thanks to this wildly simple morning ritual…  
Researchers from the Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women's Hospital say… “It’s never too late to rebuild muscle and retain it.” ⁶

And these same researchers pointed to a fascinating study from one of the top medical universities in Taiwan as proof. Now… 
This study was a little heartbreaking for me to read because it reminded me of my mom so much…  

Because the patients in the study were older and suffering from muscle loss… 

Yet when they were given this strange protein that I’d never heard of before… that wasn’t whey protein… wasn’t collagen… or anything I’d ever seen in a health food store or read about in a magazine… 

And this protein gave them youthful muscle support… and their bodies were better able to preserve their lean muscle mass… ⁷
The scientific community calls this protein β-Hydroxy β-methylbutyrate… or “HMB” for short… 

And an in-vitro study from the University of Illinois confirmed there’s a simple way to support the youthful production of HMB

and refuel your body with age-defying muscle support… ⁸

And I’ll tell you exactly how in a moment. But first let me fill you in on this powerful protein.
HMB Was First Discovered When A Doctor From Iowa State University Was Searching For Ways To Grow Leaner Cattle…  ⁹
Remember the cow named Daisy from the picture I showed you earlier…  

And how she went from a bulky 1636 lbs down to a lean 1120 lbs? 

Well— Daisy was fed the same diet as other cows on the ranch. Had the same activity level. Had regular ole “cow genetics”... 

But the only difference between her and the other cows on the farm… was that Daisy was being fed a very special form of HMB. And it doesn’t only work for Daisy. Because this doctor was so blown away by Daisy’s transformation that he decided to test HMB on humans… 

And his finding proved the results weren’t a fluke and they weren’t limited to cattle. Now… 
Unlike the Taiwan study I mentioned earlier… 

The subjects in the following study were active in the gym and did some small weight training sessions. 

With that said… this exciting study applies even if you’re not a health nut… or gym bunny… 

Because what a lot of people don’t understand about weight lifting is the actual act of lifting weights breaks down muscle. It doesn’t build muscle.

That’s right— they’re LOSING muscle when they workout. ¹⁰

Folks who exercise gain muscle after their workouts while they recover.  
And this groundbreaking study found that women who took HMB once per day directly after their workout... saw an incredible difference to their figure...

They increased lean muscle by 3.1% and lost 7.3% body fat…while the placebo group only increased lean muscle by 1.9% and lost only 2.2% body fat.¹¹
And ladies, that’s the difference between wearing a one-piece bathing suit or a two-piece bikini to the beach this Summer. 

And get this... 

In another shocking study… 
Female Judo Athletes Taking HMB Lost 5% Of Their Body Fat In Only 3-days… While Maintaining All Of Their Muscle Tone.¹²
Another study published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition confirms HMB reduces age-related muscle loss… improves muscle tone even with light low impact exercise… and can help support faster metabolism which helps to strip pounds of body fat…¹³
And in a study from Tianjin Medical University… subjects 65 years and older reported “absolute changes in body composition”... meaning the subjects saw noticeable changes to their body in the mirror by simply adding HMB to their daily routine along with minimal exercise. ¹⁴ ¹⁵
Now as impressive as that is… studies show that you must combine HMB with a few other ingredients… some of which you may have in your kitchen right now… for faster and more noticeable results… 

And I’ll tell you how I discovered that in a minute. But first… 

Think about what you just learned…
With the help of this powerful form of HMB, there’s finally a way to put an end to constant yo-yoing weight gain

And begin to look years younger no matter how many candles are on the birthday cake… and feel confident in your own skin again…  

Just imagine how great you’ll feel when the number on the scale drops faster than it has in years, maybe decades… your jeans fit looser… you can even wear your favorite outfits that haven’t fit flatteringly in a while… not because you’re losing muscle… but because you’re maintaining lean, attractive, toned muscle that also helps you burn fat faster and easier.
And that will just have you feel so much lighter… healthier… sexier. 

You can even be the fit, in-shape “looker” jogging around the block if exercise is your thing… because it’s just so much easier to stay active when you aren’t dealing with heavy stubborn body fat. 

And let’s be honest ladies, looking great in your exercise attire makes working out so much more fun, don’t you agree?
You’ll Be Super-mom… Super-wife…
Super-career Woman… All Wrapped Into The Total Package!
I know that may sound like a fairy-tale in your situation right now… except it can become your reality starting today. 

And I’ll share some real life testimonials from other women just like you who’ve experienced the power of this unique protein in a minute. But first here’s where the story of my mom took a turn. See… 

After I discovered the power of HMB… I quickly got in touch with a doctor friend of mine… sent him my research… and asked for his professional opinion. After all… 

I’m not a doctor or scientist. I just wanted to see my mom get better and I was on a mission to help her.
And I’m so glad I got in touch with him because he told me that even though HMB is a good start… it’s HMB and a combination of four other ingredients that would make a stunning difference to how she’d look and feel.
Now there are a lot of ladies in my life that feel down about getting older... and are embarrassed by what the years have done to their skin and waistlines...

So even though my mom was my top priority… I spread word to as many of my friends as I could about HMB and the four other ingredients I’ll tell you about in a minute.
And They Were Absolutely Blown Away By The Changes They Saw In The Mirror…

“I’ve lost over 100 lbs and the weight keeps falling off!”

⭑ ⭑ ⭑ ⭑ ⭑
I’ve lost over 100 lbs and the weight is just coming off. This is the real deal. You should see my muscles! 
It isn’t a ‘magic bullet.’ I’m still putting in the work… but I see my muscles and I’m so excited! — Claire C. 

“The results were so good I thought it was all in my head… but even my husband noticed!”

⭑ ⭑ ⭑ ⭑ ⭑
“I started taking it with ZERO expectations. I’ve been around the block so I didn’t expect much from yet another anti-aging product. 

Oh man, was I wrong!! I saw changes in my skin texture within two weeks. What?! I started thinking I was imagining things, but then my husband noticed! Let me say that again… 

My. Husband. Noticed! My legs and arms are firmer. My abs are starting to come out. I haven’t seen my abs in well over 5 years!” — Pam F.

  Dara P.

     “More sculpted muscle and leanness… and I feel beautiful!”

      “I have been using this formula for the past few months and I am blown away by the results! 

      I work out on a regular basis, but incorporating this formula into my daily routine has helped decrease muscle soreness, develop more        definition in my arms, overall leanness and feeling beautiful. 

      I’m excited to continue!”

  Stephanie F.

  “I’m so much less sore… and my muscle tone looks amazing!”

   “Being a synchronized swimmer I know how sore your body can be after a workout or after performing a routine in the pool. It can be         days before the soreness goes away. 

   Since taking this formula my soreness is minimal at best. I’m so happy! Did I mention, my muscle definition is looking amazing!”

“I’ve lost inches all over and dropped a dress size!”

⭑ ⭑ ⭑ ⭑ ⭑
“I started using it a few months ago. I’ve noticed a big difference in my muscle definition, recovery and strength in my nails! 

I’m hooked! I’ve lost inches all over and dropped a dress size within this time!” 
— Lauren J.
And That’s Just The Tip Of The Iceberg!
I’ll share more incredible testimonials with you in a minute… But let me wrap up about my mom. Now…
This isn’t the ending I dreamed of. And I’m not going to make up a story about how she sprang to life… started exercising again… and became the same woman I knew and loved before my dad passed away. 

I’ve actually seen supplement companies make up fake stories like that. But not me… 
Because even though I spent hundreds of dollars of my own money to get her a month’s supply of these ingredients… hoping that she’d at least try them out… she was so heartbroken that dad was gone that she decided not to take the ingredients

She wanted to be with my dad…  

And as much as I begged her… she just wouldn’t make the little effort I was hoping she would. 

It breaks my heart to this day. But in her memory… and in my dad’s memory… I decided…
There Had To Be A Purpose For Me
Going Through All This Even If I Couldn’t
Save My Mom… 
So after hearing about how powerfully helpful these ingredients were for the close group of women that I shared them with… 

I decided to think bigger… and make it my life’s mission to help any woman who’s ever felt like the years have been cruel to her… to reverse the wrinkles, weight and insecurities that typically come with age… 

So I reached out to my doctor friend again… the one who recommended the four ingredients to me along with HMB… and asked if there was a way to combine them all into one easy-to-use formula

This way I and anyone else who wanted to use these ingredients wouldn’t have to keep track of so many pills and pay more than $100 dollars each month buying them separately…  

And the two of us partnered together to create a potent combination of nature’s fastest and most powerful age-supporting ingredients into a groundbreaking new formula for women called… 
AgelessLX is a complete age-supporting formula using nature’s best tested and proven ingredients… to help you look and feel younger... and when combined with a balanced lifestyle helps support lean muscle for the toned “look” you desire and deserve. 

When you make this proprietary formula a new part of your daily morning ritualyou can defy the clock and feel “ageless”… 

All it takes is one serving of the ingredients inside of AgelessLX in combination with a balanced lifestyle and you’ll notice a younger, tighter and brighter appearance faster than you expected possible. In fact… 
Between 2-3 weeks: Our special community of women just like you report that they’re waking with more glowing, radiant skin and their hair and nails look and feel stronger and healthier as do their muscles. And...

Between 4-6 weeks: Our users begin to notice their muscles are more toned and firm… those “trouble spots” under the arms and around the belly have cinched up… 

They’re fitting more comfortably in their clothes… and are feeling so much more confident because the weight is falling off faster… and it seems they’ve finally broken through the invisible glass ceiling that’s been holding them back all these years.

They also report a more youthful appearance. Sag spots on the face have tightened up… deep lines and wrinkles are filling in… their hair is shinier and thicker… and their partners and friends are blown away by how much younger they look!   

And at 7-12 weeks: 97% of women report they look younger in the face… their body is visibly tighter and leaner… They have nice muscle tone and all-around firmness... 

They have so much more energy to exercise and take on whatever the day throws at them… 

And can be super-mom… super-wife… and super-career woman… 

While feeling radiant, happy and sexy. I guess you could say they’re the “total package.” And this is happening for women between the ages of 35 and 79 with all different kinds of health histories, genetics, and lifestyles… so I know it will work for you too.

It’s time you too claim a new lease on life simply by adding the ingredients inside AgelessLX to your daily body and beauty routine.

Experience The Age-Supporting Power Of
Each Ingredient Inside

I already told you about HMB… and how it’ll help you tone up every muscle in your body from head to toe until you look and feel noticeably younger. 

But we wanted to make AgelessLX stand out from any other age-supporting formula availableso we didn’t stop there. And you should be thrilled that we didn’t. Because these next four ingredients will do what HMB could NEVER do on its own. 

The next ingredient we added into AgelessLX is an ancient “age-supporting fern” called horsetail. ¹⁶

For thousands of years Roman physicians used horsetail to help flush the body of “water weight”... ¹⁷ 

And this is really important if you want to get leaner and have a more sculpted, youthful body…   

Because before you can lose any TRUE body fat… 

The “water weight” needs to go first. See… 

When you gain and lose the same 10 lbs back and forth… it’s mostly just water shifting in and out of the body. But horsetail will…  

Help Your Body Gently Flush Water Weight… So You Can Start Losing REAL, Stubborn Body Fat That Makes A Shocking Difference In How You Look And Feel.

Horsetail is also rich in a mineral called silica… which supports collagen production, which is shown in numerous studies to help firm and tighten skin. ¹⁸ ¹⁹ ²⁰
We already talked about how important HMB is for keeping your skin tight and supporting lean muscle tone. Well— collagen is another protein in the body that supports these functions… 
And just like with HMB… as you get older your collagen also breaks down. Which causes more wrinkles, lines and saggy skin in your face, belly, butt and everywhere else. 

But with the help of horsetail in our AgelessLX formula… you’ll keep your collagen plump and tight… which will help keep your skin looking young and healthy

The next ingredient we added into AgelessLX is vitamin K2.

Vitamin K2 is a powerhouse nutrient for visible aging. ²¹ In fact… 

It’s A Key Ingredient The World’s Leading Age Supporting Scientists From Harvard And
The Massachusetts Institute Of Technology
Use In Their Own Daily Age Supporting Morning Routine…  

These are leaders in the modern anti-aging movement… who come face-to-face with the latest research every single day…

So the fact that they take vitamin K2 religiously is a green light that you should be doing the exact same if you want to support healthy younger looking skin. ²²

Vitamin K2 supports bone density by removing calcium from your arteries and transferring that calcium to support bone density in your face…  

So if you aren’t getting enough vitamin K2 in your diet… the bones in your face get weaker… creating lines and wrinkles. And for proof… 

In a recent study from Yale— researchers found women with the firmest skin and the fewest wrinkles also had the greatest bone density. ²³ ²⁴

And get this… 

We all know that Japanese women have gorgeous skin, right? 

Well now there’s scientific research to prove why… 

And it all comes down to K2. ²⁵ ²⁶

Japanese women eat a certain dish (called natto) unheard of here in America that’s… 

1343% Higher In Vitamin K2 Than The Next Closest American Food...²⁷

Which is why it’s crucial we added it inside AgelessLX… so you too can maintain that youthful, “get your ID checked at the bar” type glow, even in middle age. Now... 
The next ingredient inside AgelessLX is biotin.
Biotin plays several roles in supporting youthful aging, boosting the metabolism and converting food into energy instead of letting those calories be stored away as fat. ²⁸ ²⁹
And studies show that when one has low amounts of biotin in their diet… the body has a harder time burning fat and begins to store it instead. ³⁰ ³¹
Biotin is also an essential mineral for keeping your hair, skin and nails strong and healthy with a near 100% success rate in studies. ³² ³³

The final ingredient we added into AgelessLX is vitamin D.
Vitamin D is actually a hormone that controls over 1,000 different processes in the body… including the “mini biological clocks” inside of you that determine how you look and feel as you age. 
Here’s how… 

Each one of the chromosomes in your body has tiny caps on the ends of it called telomeres. You can think of these like the caps on the ends of shoelaces that keep them from fraying. 
Problem is— as you get older… your telomeres get shorter and shorter until they burn off and the cells die. And when that happens to enough cells your appearance will begin to dull and appear older as well. 

But here’s where vitamin D comes in. 

Studies show there’s a direct connection between telomere length and vitamin D. 

A group of tests conducted on twins… published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition… found those individuals with the lowest levels of vitamin D also had the shortest telomeres… which caused 5 years of biological aging. (Meaning they looked and felt five years older than they were.) ³⁴

Studies also show that folks with healthier vitamin D levels have an increased lifespan compared to those that don’t… ³⁵ ³⁶

And who doesn’t want that? 

Especially when you can spend those years feeling younger… as gorgeous and fit as ever… and with so much more energy than you’ve had before in your adult life.

It’s amazing what vitamin D can do to support your inner health and outer beauty… which is why we had to include it in AgelessLX
And listen… this formula WORKS. In fact… 

Thousands of women are seeing amazing success with our AgelessLX formula... 

Check Out What Women Just Like You
Are Saying About AgelessLX!

The Ingredients Inside AgelessLX Work Together To

Support Healthy Aging

So You Can Supercharge a Youthful Metabolism,
Get Firmer Faster And Enjoy Beautiful Skin…

No Matter How Many Candles Are On The Birthday Cake!

Best of all— AgelessLX is really easy to use

All you have to do is take one serving of AgelessLX in the morning with breakfast… and one serving at night with dinner... and these ingredients will go to work right away…  

To help increase HMB production to boost your metabolismtighten your midsection, arms, and butt… rub out lumps from the thighs… and tighten saggy skin all over… 
Plus the additional age-supporting ingredients inside our formula…  

Will double-down on supporting other important underlying factors for looking and feeling 5, 10, even 15 years youngerby helping maintain collagen, bone density and telomere length… 

All of which support total youthfulness from the inside out…

It couldn’t get any easier to support all the most important aspects of the aging processes in your body than taking just one serving of AgelessLX twice a day.

So if that sounds like something you could use… 

You need to hurry up and claim your bottles before we run out of stock… 

Because hundreds of women are already raving about this brand new formula and bottles are flying off the shelves at our warehouse as you’re reading this. 

And once we run out of supply… 

It Could Be Another 4-6 Weeks
Before We Get Bottles Of AgelessLX
Back In Stock…

And that’s not the only reason you should hurry and claim your bottles while you still can. 

Like you’ve seen today… the processes in your body that support healthy aging NEED HELP

They’ve already started slowing down with every passing year. Causing the stubborn weight gain… deepening lines and wrinkles… low energy and motivation… 
So you need to step in and do something about it NOW. Not later. And honestly I don’t know why you’d wait even another moment to get started with our AgelessLX formula.
You’ve already heard the testimonials of real women who are giddy because of how incredibly younger they look and feel since taking the carefully selected ingredients inside AgelessLX. Even the women who’ve tried everything else for their skin and body tone… and were skeptical to get started… are now shouting from the mountaintop that every woman needs to make this formula a part of their daily body and beauty routine.

So why not join them? 

It’s changed their lives. And I’m confident it’ll do the same for you. 

And to make your decision as easy as possible…

We’re Giving Away Bottles Of AgelessLX For A Huge New Customer Discount 
On This Page Only… 

Like I mentioned before— this isn’t about money for me

I asked doctors to help me formulate AgelessLX after watching my mother lose her health when my dad died. 

And even though she didn’t take advantage of this formula… every day I wonder what would have happened if she did. I gave her all the evidence. Shared the exciting results my friends were seeing. And begged her to just try it and see what happens. 

But she wouldn’t. And I lost her. 

And I don’t want to lose you too… not in the way like my mom...

But I don’t want you to end up like so many women who spend decades of their life gaining weight… losing motivation… hating the reflection in the mirror… feeling invisible when they walk into a room... and basically just waiting for the rest of the sand to slip through the hourglass.

I’ll do anything to keep you from going down that road.

And that’s why I’m going to make it amazingly simple and affordable to claim your bottles of AgelessLX right now. So here’s the deal… 

If you were to go out and try to buy these ingredients in their scientifically-proven dosages on your own… it would easily cost you over $100 dollars per month. 

Not to mention it’d be a big hassle to try and keep track of each supplement and make sure you take it at the right time every day… 

Two pills here… three pills there… one pill in the morning… another at night… what a mess!

But AgelessLX is the affordable and convenient way to get all the anti-supporting ingredients I told you about today in one fell-swoop.

So listen… 

For an age-supporting formula that has as many raving testimonials as AgelessLX… and is as powerfully effective as the ingredients inside this formula are… we could charge $79… $89… even $99 per bottle and make out like bandits. 

But like I said it’s not about the money for me. And because you’re a new customer… I don’t even want you paying the $69 retail price it would cost to get a bottle of AgelessLX at any other time… 

So when you act right now and on this page only… you can claim one bottle of AgelessLX for just $52

But listen closely because…

The Savings Get Even Better When You Stock Up On More Bottles Of AgelessLX… 

So if you consider yourself a smart and savvy shopper…  

And want to see real show-stopping changes to your body and skin that has everyone begging for your secret…. 

Choose the 3 or 6 bottle option of AgelessLX today. 

You see— in all the studies I referenced about the ingredients inside our formula… it was the women who used these ingredients the longest that saw the most head turning changes to their body, weight loss and skin… 

So if you want to see the very best, life-changing, body-shaping results you’re going to want to stock up on either 3 or 6 bottles of AgelessLX today. 
So let me tell you about all the money you’ll save. 

When you make the great decision to stock up on 3 bottles of AgelessLX… 

You can get your supply at just $43 per bottle… 

And when you make the BEST decision and claim 6 bottles of AgelessLX today… and get the kind of results that have folks saying, “Wow! You look so young and fit!”... like what other women who take this formula experience… 

Then I recommend stocking up on 6 bottles of AgelessLX right now while we’re still in stock and save even bigger. 

Because when you choose the 6 bottle option of AgelessLX it’s just $39 per bottlewhich adds up to a whopping $180 in savings.  

And guess what… 
When you stock up on 3 or 6 bottles of AgelessLX today… 

I’ll also give you FREE shipping on your order. Which is something you won’t get on the 1-bottle option… 

And that’s going to wipe an additional $14.95 OFF your order.

So I Guess It’s Safe To Say Smart People Buy More…

So here’s what to do next...

To order your supply of AgelessLX… 

Just select the amount of bottles you’d like below… 

Whether it’s the 6 bottle option… 3 bottle option… or whichever option works best for you… 

Then click the “Add To Cart” button

After that— fill out the secure checkout form on the following page… and we’ll send your bottles of AgelessLX to the address you provided at checkout right away… 

So they arrive within 3-5 business days… 

And you can begin to support your body’s youthful collagen production which may help firm and tighten your skin from head to toe… 

And notice head-turning changes in the mirror that make you feel like the “old you” again when you had so much energy, joy, and passion for life. 

So go ahead and click the “Add To Cart” button right now and stock up on your supply while we still have bottles available for this one-time “new customer discount.”
Choose The 6 Bottle Option… 3 Bottle Option…
Or Whichever Supply Of AgelessLX Works Best For You
To Feel As Confident And Beautiful As Ever In Your Adult Life! 

SAVE 40%


Buy 6 and SAVE 40% 

Plus, FREE AgelessLX Cookbook

Discount Price: $248.40

List Price: $414

SAVE 30%


Buy 3 and SAVE 30%

3 Month Supply

Discount Price: $144.90

List Price: $207

SAVE 13%

$59.90 one bottle

Buy 1 and SAVE 13%

1 Month Supply

Discount Price: $59

List Price: $69

Plus Shipping

And just to make your decision as easy as possible… I’ve made this a completely risk-free opportunity for you…  

Because when you purchase your supply of AgelessLX I’ll back up your bottles with my… 
Love it or Don't Pay Guarantee!
Here’s my promise to you… 

The ingredients inside of AgelessLX are going to work wonders on your body… 

And help support the critical processes needed to help sculpt and tone your midsection… 
Begin to smooth frustrating trouble areas on your butt and thighs… 

Support faster and easier weight loss...

And support youthful collagen production which can help tighten your jawlinearmsbelly… and everywhere else

But if for any reason it doesn’t… 

Send an email to my friendly customer service team…  

And we’ll issue a prompt refund. 

No questions asked. No hassles. 

No need to even send the bottles back. 

I created this guarantee to eliminate worry or hesitation… 

And so you can stock up on AgelessLX with complete peace of mind knowing that no matter how many bottles you purchase today… 

All of them will be covered by this guarantee. 

But like I said before you need to hurry and act now while we still have bottles at the warehouse... 

And while this limited-time discount is available. 
Choose The 6 Bottle Option… 3 Bottle Option…
Or Whichever Supply Of AgelessLX Works Best For You
To Feel As Confident And Beautiful As Ever In Your Adult Life! 


List Price: $69

44% off with a monthly subscription

$39/ Bottle


List Price: $207

38% off with a monthly subscription

$43/ Bottle


List Price: $414

25% off with a monthly subscription

$52/ Bottle

SAVE 40%


Buy 6 and SAVE 40% 

Plus, FREE AgelessLX Cookbook

Discount Price: $248.40

List Price: $414

SAVE 30%


Buy 3 and SAVE 30%

3 Month Supply

Discount Price: $144.90

List Price: $207

SAVE 13%

$59.90 one bottle

Buy 1 and SAVE 13%

1 Month Supply

Discount Price: $59

List Price: $69

Plus Shipping
Okay so we’re nearing the end of this women’s health report… 
You’ve Reached A Fork In The Road 
And The Path You Take Is Up To You… 
You can ignore everything you’ve learned today… 

Including the incredible studies that show how the ingredients in AgelessLX really do help support the processes needed for a toned and lean body… keep your skin firm and radiant… make fat loss so much easier… and can even seemingly support youthful aging on your face, belly, thighs and everywhere else… 

You can forget the almost miraculous testimonials from women just like you… who have completely changed their lives… feel so much younger and full of life simply by adding AgelessLX to their morning routine.

But the fact is... this is your opportunity to join these ageless beauties… these super-women who are doing it all and are glowing with confidence and sex appeal while doing it… 

And to “opt-out” of the normal aging process that so many women go through… this is your moment to hop off the crazy train that’s a lot of times, very unforgiving as you get older, and do something different that’s going to reward your body and skin big time.

And if you choose to not take action today… 

Then there’s no hard feelings and I wish you the best

I’ve already been through that kind of rejection... despite all the proof this formula works... with the woman that was closest to me in my life.

And I want you to do what you think is best for YOU. But… 

Why spend the rest of your life putting up with aging when you could rewrite your story and REALLY start living

Why look in the mirror even one more time frustrated and angry at your stubborn belly? 

Or be discouraged when you put on makeup in the morning because you’re trying so hard to cover and hide your age?

Why would you go through all that time and trouble when you have the chance to claim your supply of AgelessLX for huge savings RISK FREE…
If you’re even “kind of” on the fence… 
Then I would strongly urge you to take the second path… the smarter path… 

Which is to say “YES” to AgelessLX right now… 

And have the same experience if not a better one than the women who are loving how AgelessLX is shaping their bodytightening their skin… and is making them feel so much more confident and outgoing.
And remember… 

You need to hurry and claim your bottles of AgelessLX while we’re still in stock because we WILL run out soon. And once that happens it’ll be another 4-6 weeks before we can get another supply in.

So go ahead and do that now… 

Select the amount of bottles of AgelessLX you’d like below… 

Whether that’s the 6 bottle option… 3 bottle option… or whichever option works best for you… 

Click the “Add To Cart” button. 

Fill out the secure checkout form on the following page… 

And we’ll send your bottles of AgelessLX to the address you provided at checkout right away… 

So they arrive within 3-5 business days… and you can begin your brand new and incredibly effective “ageless” body and beauty routine.

You’ll be so glad you did.

Thanks for reading! 
Choose The 6 Bottle Option… 3 Bottle Option…
Or Whichever Supply Of AgelessLX Works Best For You
To Feel As Confident And Beautiful As Ever In Your Adult Life! 


List Price: $69

44% off with a monthly subscription

$39/ Bottle


List Price: $207

38% off with a monthly subscription

$43/ Bottle


List Price: $414

25% off with a monthly subscription

$52/ Bottle

SAVE 40%


Buy 6 and SAVE 40% 

Plus, FREE AgelessLX Cookbook

Discount Price: $248.40

List Price: $414

SAVE 30%


Buy 3 and SAVE 30%

3 Month Supply

Discount Price: $144.90

List Price: $207

SAVE 13%

$59.90 one bottle

Buy 1 and SAVE 13%

1 Month Supply

Discount Price: $59

List Price: $69

Plus Shipping
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is AgelessLX for? 
AgelessLX is for any person who wants to support all 600 muscles in your body… and give your body the assistance it needs to increase firm, sculpted muscle… boost your metabolism… support healthy aging… and just look and feel leaner, more confident and sexy regardless of age. 

It doesn’t matter where you’re starting from today. Your age. Current shape. Or even your activity level. If you want to look and feel younger, tighter and healthier… AgelessLX is the simple body-shaping breakthrough to help you get there.
How do I use AgelessLX?
It’s refreshingly simple. 

Just take one serving of AgelessLX with breakfast and another at dinner and the muscle-sculpting and metabolism-stoking ingredients will go to work right away to help you to lean down, firm up and support healthy aging. 
I’ve tried plenty of pills and potions that hardly did anything for me. What makes AgelessLX different from other anti-aging products I’ve tried? 
I’m so glad you asked. 

Studies show there’s a certain protein in the body called β-hydroxy β-methylbutyrate (HMB) that your body produced plenty of when you were younger. But as the years go by… your body produces less and less of it.

In other words— your body needs more of this protein to support lean muscle, a faster metabolism and tighter, firmer skin.

That’s why our rockstar ingredient in AgelessLX is HMB. But that’s only one piece of the puzzle. 

We combined HMB with the four other ingredients (also scientifically proven to support muscle tone, metabolism and youthful aging) to make AgelessLX an unbeatable age-supporting supplement. 
How long before I start seeing results? 
Most women who take AgelessLX start noticing a noticeable difference faster than expected of taking it consistently with breakfast. 

And remember— studies show the results only get better the longer you take the ingredients inside AgelessLX. So while you’ll notice some exciting changes in the mirror within the first couple weeks… don’t stop there… 

Keep taking AgelessLX consistently each day. And make sure you stock up on the 3 or 6 bottle option so you’re set for several months of head-turning, confidence boosting results… and don’t have to worry about coming back to this page a month from now only to find we’re out of stock.
Are there any harmful or dangerous chemicals inside AgelessLX?
Absolutely not. 

AgelessLX is formulated with five ingredients shown in studies to safely support healthy aging… accelerate weight loss… improve muscle tone… regulate metabolism… maintain youthful skin… and keep you feeling overall happier and healthier. 

Those ingredients are HMB, horsetail (an ancient herb), vitamin K2, biotin, and vitamin D. 

Is there a money back guarantee with my order of AgelessLX? 
Yes there is. When you order your supply of AgelessLX on this page I’ll back up your purchase with a 1 Full Year  — 100% money back guarantee… 

Which means if for any reason you don’t experience the results I’ve mentioned on this page like tons of other women like you have gotten already… 

Just email our friendly customer service team and we’ll promptly issue a full refund… 

Even if you get down to the very last bottle of your 6-month supply and it just wasn’t what you expected. 

This is a zero-risk, all-reward opportunity for you today so stock up and save big while you can and with complete peace of mind!
How long will it take to receive my order of AgelessLX?
After you complete your order… 

We’ll express ship your supply of AgelessLX so that it arrives at your door 3- 4 business days from now. 

How do I order my supply of AgelessLX again?

It’s easy… 

Select how many bottles of AgelessLX you’d like… 

I recommend the 3 or 6 bottle option… 

Then click the “Add To Cart” button. 

After that, fill out the secure checkout form on the following page… 

And we’ll rush ship your supply of AgelessLX to your front door.

When your bottles arrive just a few short days from now… 

Take your first serving with breakfast and you’ll support all 600 of your muscles, your metabolism, and youthful aging beginning right away. 

So go ahead and place your order now and experience the natural power of these breakthrough ingredients starting today.
Choose The 6 Bottle Option… 3 Bottle Option…
Or Whichever Supply Of AgelessLX Works Best For You
To Feel As Confident And Beautiful As Ever In Your Adult Life! 


List Price: $414

Buy 6 and SAVE 36% 

Plus, FREE AgelessLX Cookbook

$45/ Bottle


List Price: $207

Buy 3 and SAVE 29%

3 Month Supply

$49/ Bottle


List Price: $69

1 Bottle

1 Month Supply

$59/ Bottle

SAVE 40%


Buy 6 and SAVE 40% 

Plus, FREE AgelessLX Cookbook

Discount Price: $248.40

List Price: $414

SAVE 30%


Buy 3 and SAVE 30%

3 Month Supply

Discount Price: $144.90

List Price: $207

SAVE 13%

$59.90 one bottle

Buy 1 and SAVE 13%

1 Month Supply

Discount Price: $59

List Price: $69

Plus Shipping


List Price: $69

44% off with a monthly subscription

$39/ Bottle


List Price: $207

38% off with a monthly subscription

$43/ Bottle


List Price: $414

25% off with a monthly subscription

$52/ Bottle

© 2021 AgelessLX®. All rights reserved.
ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank's role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.
**Individuals may have received free product or compensation in exchange for their honest review. Individual results will vary. All other benefits/effects noted in these testimonials/reviews are the individuals’ personal opinions and have not been studied. Testimonials, case studies, and examples found on this page are results that have been forwarded to us by users of AgelessLX products and related products, and may not reflect the typical purchaser's experience, may not apply to the average person and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results.

If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using our products.
* Statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using our products.
1)  "Effect of beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate on protein ...." Accessed 22 Dec. 2020.
2)  "Original Article Effect of β-hydroxy-β-methylbutyrate ...." Accessed 22 Dec. 2020.
3)  "The age-related loss of skeletal muscle mass and ... - NCBI - NIH." Accessed 26 Dec. 2020.
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5)  "Muscular aging and its involvement in facial aging ... - PubMed." Accessed 28 Dec. 2020.
6)  "Declining muscle mass is part of aging, but not inevitable, from ...." Accessed 24 Dec. 2020.
7)  "Effect of beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate on protein ...." Accessed 24 Dec. 2020.
8)  "Impact of β-hydroxy β-methylbutyrate (HMB) on age-related ...." 23 Nov. 2016, Accessed 28 Dec. 2020.
9) "Scientist Develops Protein Supplement as Possible Muscle ...." 15 Apr. 1996, Accessed 28 Dec. 2020.
10)  "How to Lose Muscle Mass: Workout and Diet Tips - Healthline." 24 Jun. 2020, Accessed 28 Dec. 2020.

11)  "Effect of leucine metabolite beta-hydroxy-beta ... - PubMed." Accessed 28 Dec. 2020.

12) "Original Article Effect of β-hydroxy-β-methylbutyrate ...." Accessed 28 Dec. 2020.

13)  "International Society of Sports Nutrition Position ... - PubMed." 2 Feb. 2013, Accessed 28 Dec. 2020.

14) "Effect of beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate ... - PubMed." Accessed 28 Dec. 2020.

15) "The Potential of β-Hydroxy-β-Methylbutyrate as a New ...." 31 Oct. 2017, Accessed 28 Dec. 2020.

16) "Horsetail for Skin, the Anti-Aging Fern - Annmarie Gianni." Accessed 24 Dec. 2020.

17) "Randomized, Double-Blind Clinical Trial to ... - NCBI - NIH." 4 Mar. 2014, Accessed 25 Dec. 2020.

18) "Horsetail: Benefits, Uses, and Side Effects - Healthline." 28 May. 2020, Accessed 25 Dec. 2020.

19) "Inhibition of human in vitro osteoclastogenesis by ... - NCBI - NIH." 29 Oct. 2012, Accessed 25 Dec. 2020.

20) "Equisetum arvense L. Extract Induces Antibacterial Activity ...." 14 Feb. 2018, Accessed 25 Dec. 2020.

21) "Vitamin K as a Powerful Micronutrient in Aging ... - NCBI - NIH." 25 Aug. 2019, Accessed 25 Dec. 2020.

22) "The Vitamin Deficiency Written All Over Your Face - Healthy ...." Accessed 25 Dec. 2020.

23) "Wrinkles on Menopausal Woman's Face Can Predict Bone ...." 7 Jun. 2011, Accessed 25 Dec. 2020.

24) "Severity of facial wrinkles may predict bone density in early ...." 6 Jun. 2011, Accessed 25 Dec. 2020.

25) "Beyond deficiency: potential benefits of increased intakes of ...." Accessed 25 Dec. 2020.
26) "Vitamin K2 in bone metabolism and osteoporosis - PubMed." Accessed 25 Dec. 2020.
27) "8 Foods High in Vitamin K2 and Why You Need It - WebMD." 22 Oct. 2020, Accessed 28 Dec. 2020.
28) "Biotin - Health Professional Fact Sheet." 3 Jun. 2020, Accessed 25 Dec. 2020.
29) "Biotin - NCBI - NIH." 18 Feb. 2016, Accessed 26 Dec. 2020.
30)  "Biotin - Linus Pauling Institute - Oregon State University." 21 Oct. 2015, Accessed 26 Dec. 2020. "Biotin - Linus Pauling Institute - Oregon State University." 21 Oct. 2015, Accessed 26 Dec. 2020.

31) "Marginal biotin deficiency is teratogenic - PubMed." https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm. Accessed 26 Dec. 2020.
32)  "A Review of the Use of Biotin for Hair Loss - PubMed." Accessed 26 Dec. 2020.

33) "A Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Study Evaluating the ...." Accessed 26 Dec. 2020.

34) "Heritability and seasonal variability of vitamin D ... - NCBI - NIH." 13 Oct. 2010, Accessed 26 Dec. 2020.
35) "Live Longer with Vitamin D? - NCBI - NIH." 12 Mar. 2015, Accessed 26 Dec. 2020.

36)  "Do vitamin D supplements reduce risk of early death ...." Accessed 26 Dec. 2020.